Before you ask....yes this is a picture of me! I usually don't like to shock people into dumbfoundedness by showing my sculpted abs but I thought in light of the topic of this post I would humor you and show them to you this one time......ummmm NOT!!! I wish......hahaha
I used to be afraid to lift weights. I didn't want to look like this lady
I was sure I would BULK UP and would look like a man, no offense, if I started lifting. I'm sure many people feel the same way, especially women. Men don't usually care if they get "bigger" if it's muscle mass. This is a myth, you wont turn into He-Man/She-Woman if you control how much you lift.
So I started taking a Les Mills Pump class several months ago when a friend told me that ones metabolism will stay elevated longer after a weight lifting workout than a cardio workout -
I wasn't, excuse the pun, "pumped" about starting the classes, I knew they would be "slower" than what I like but figured if the benefit outweighed my whining it would be worth it.
AND IT WAS.....I love Pump now. I lift very low weight with many repetitions and have seen a change in my body. The patterns in a pump or sculpt class are easy to follow, especially if you actually listen to the instructor. It's important to have correct and good FORM as you lift the weight, remember to tighten your core (tummy and back), keep your spine in a neutral position and always always always keep your knees behind your toes. This will prevent injury and pain.
Here are some things I have found helpful when lifting.....
1. A good pair of weight lifting gloves. They don't have to be fancy or expensive. Walmart and Target have 'em.
2. Bring water. Even though this anaerobic workout will have you sweating less than Zumba or Kickboxing, you should replenish your body with agua!
3. It's good to eat or drink some Protein after you lift. Remember your metabolism is elevated and will want to burn something. Even better, eat a small protein (chicken, eggs, peanuts, glass of milk) before you lift also.
4. DON'T be afraid to ask the teacher questions. Ok maybe you don't want to ask mid class but afterwards? They are more than happy to help.
If all else fails we could wait until one of those machines from Captain America becomes available to the public.....5 mins in there and he was totally RIPPED....wouldn't that be nice? lol
You can read more about starting a weight lifting program