Saturday, May 12, 2012

It's just a number

I could care less how old I am.....I tell people proudly that I just turned 24!  That is because I kinda stopped aging (well in my head at least) around my early 20's.  Seriously most of the time I forget how old I am.  I stink at, bad enough to have graduated college with a Math 100 class.  I swear I didn't pick my major based on that.  I majored in Sociology and Social Work, by the way, and was required to take a crazy Statistics class that I think a great professor and tons of prayer helped me get through.
When people ask how old I am, I usually say fact I will be 35 this year.  It's not that I'm slicing years off on purpose, like I said, I suck at Math (2012-1977 too much work) and I honestly forget my age!  Haven't you seen me bouncing around like a 16 year old?  Age is just a number to me.  I've always said, "you're as young as you feel," or in my husbands case "As young as you act," which is usually like an adolescent boy!  Jk.....he's awesome!  I like to tease!!!!
With all that being said, I am honestly AMAZED at how well some people age.  I know quite a few "mature" and "wise" friends/members at the gyms where I work and they look FABULOUS!! 
For real!
Zumba does not have a targeted demographic, it's for young, old, male, female, Latino, Irish girlies like meself, coordinated and uncoordinated alike.  This is why I love it.  It's for everyone.  In each of my classes, there are a handful of AMAZING women and men who are in their 70's, I kid you not.  You are my HEROES!  I've asked some of them how they've kept looking so great and still able to move so well?  There are days that I feel immobilized as I wake up and the thoughts of "boogying on down" definitely does not appeal to my aching, aging body!  The responses are usually along the lines of "A CLEAN LIFE"  "NO SMOKE OR DRINK"  "ALWAYS ACTIVE" even if it wasn't at the gym....walking, hiking, dancing....  Sometimes they'll say, they've slowed down a bit, well for crying out loud, you deserve that much!  I see them moving, shaking and shimmying and I love it.
Good for you and good for the rest of us around inspire us to keep going, live every day to the fullest and enjoy the journey.  To each of you I say, well done and keep it up!  I hope I can be just like you as I approach my golden years!
Check out my friend Esther (middle) who just celebrated her 77th birthday yesterday.
Case in point! Feliz Cumpleanos :)

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