...lock yourself in a room with some water and saltines and hope you make it through till January. That's how I feel when the end of year holidays start coming. We just got done with Halloween - thank goodness - I made it through with minimal damage. It's so hard to say no to binging on chocolate, its everywhere and they're just itty bitty bite sized that add up to 4 bars by the time you're through! grrr....
So images like this (below) make me nervous! I think I gained 5 lbs just uploading the picture. I do love food and I love to eat it but why is everything so darn rich this time of year? So I'm gearing up because Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner and I am planning a preemptive strike on both so in the new year I don't feel like the good year blimp!
Ive been doing the Wellness Challenge that I posted about here. The first two weeks were cake, excuse the pun....Sam and I were in Cancan, the food was gourmet, the deserts were awful so I didn't partake, I exercised daily and danced for 3-4 hours nightly, no cell, no stress, no problem!! Come home......all heck breaks loose! I suck with this challenge since then. It's been so hard to get my veggies in (because I don't have a chef at mi casa?), I am constantly tempted with cookies, brownies, ice-cream (welcome to being Mormon), and I HAVE to text on my phone when I'm driving because its the only time I'm not doing five things at once. Ugh!!!! So needless to say, my points were BAD!
Last week I was so frustrated when I posted my 70/84 pts that I really was going to quit. I felt like it was too much pressure and I was caving under it. Then Monday morning rolled around, my favorite day of the week when everything is fresh and I can always have a new start. I decided I was NOT going to let this get the better of me and that the power was mine to do better. I am woman....yada yada....
This last week was super hard for me with birthday parties and Halloween up the ying yang BUT I tried super hard and did so much better. It's amazing when we switch our minds to thinking that WE CAN, WE DO! I love it! I feel so much better about myself and motivated to continue.
So today is November 1st.....happy anniversary to me and my love Sam.....14 years of blissful marriage, well maybe not all 14 years were blissful but I do love him much! I was cleaning my floor when I had the thought that "its a new month" and that its going to be Christmas any day. I don't want to get through the holidays either mad that I ate all the bad (ahem, good) stuff or mad that I couldn't. I don't think its good to deprive oneself and Ive learned from Weight Watchers that sometimes we just need to have that chocolate chip cookie or soda or cheesecake or whatever....its ok! We've gotta live. For me, feeling too restricted makes me rebel and then I sit in my closet where no one can see me, and I eat an entire bag of M&M's, like the pound bag....I kid you not!
Lets tackle this holiday eating by #1 being prepared. Know its coming, have a plan. Decide now how you're going to approach holiday eating. #2 Make good choices. It's all about YOUR choice. You don't have to fill your plate with potatoes and rolls, throw in some veggies. How about sharing one dessert instead of eating five? And if you CHOOSE to eat something you feel bad about having.....own it! It's your choice. Maybe you really want it, so go for it. #3 Exercise. Don't stop working out because its the holidays and you're too busy. The list of things to do will always be there. Exercise relieves stress and will help you accomplish your to do list. It will also counteract what you are eating and at the very least make you feel great about yourself. Come Zumba with me Monday, Tuesday and Thursday! #4 Be realistic. Don't plan on having no treats these holidays and please don't plan on loosing 30lbs by Christmas. It's not going to happen unless you're having plastic surgery! Slow and steady wins the race, do the small things....drink your water, eat your protein, lift some weights, lots of cardio and smart eating.
In the words of the all wise BOB THE BUILDER, "can we do it?" YES WE CAN!!!!
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