I came across this website and I'm already in LOVE. It's weight watcher friendly and everything seriously looks yummy!!! Gonna try some of these recipes.....once I get cleaned up from Thanksgiving and get my Christmas Tree up......
Friday, November 25, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Zumbaween 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
And speaking of food......
Do you ever think of a certain meal so much that you can taste it? Well Ive been tasting Pot Roast for over a week and finally said "shag it, I'm gettin me some pot roast".... Perfect meal for the start of Fall.
I think I paid a little too much at Smiths because it wasn't on sale but it was totally worth it!!!
So yummy...... and super easy, literally chuck everything into a crock pot at the beginning of the day (meat, potatoes, carrots, little onion, salt, pepper, garlic, Italian seasonings - goes in almost everything I make - some Worcestershire sauce, top with 1-2 cans of beef broth. Cook on low for 5-6 hours or high for 3-5 hours. Viola! We added some bread rolls with butter and it was perfect!
I think I paid a little too much at Smiths because it wasn't on sale but it was totally worth it!!!
So yummy...... and super easy, literally chuck everything into a crock pot at the beginning of the day (meat, potatoes, carrots, little onion, salt, pepper, garlic, Italian seasonings - goes in almost everything I make - some Worcestershire sauce, top with 1-2 cans of beef broth. Cook on low for 5-6 hours or high for 3-5 hours. Viola! We added some bread rolls with butter and it was perfect!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The holidays are coming....
...lock yourself in a room with some water and saltines and hope you make it through till January. That's how I feel when the end of year holidays start coming. We just got done with Halloween - thank goodness - I made it through with minimal damage. It's so hard to say no to binging on chocolate, its everywhere and they're just itty bitty bite sized that add up to 4 bars by the time you're through! grrr....
So images like this (below) make me nervous! I think I gained 5 lbs just uploading the picture. I do love food and I love to eat it but why is everything so darn rich this time of year? So I'm gearing up because Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner and I am planning a preemptive strike on both so in the new year I don't feel like the good year blimp!
Ive been doing the Wellness Challenge that I posted about here. The first two weeks were cake, excuse the pun....Sam and I were in Cancan, the food was gourmet, the deserts were awful so I didn't partake, I exercised daily and danced for 3-4 hours nightly, no cell, no stress, no problem!! Come home......all heck breaks loose! I suck with this challenge since then. It's been so hard to get my veggies in (because I don't have a chef at mi casa?), I am constantly tempted with cookies, brownies, ice-cream (welcome to being Mormon), and I HAVE to text on my phone when I'm driving because its the only time I'm not doing five things at once. Ugh!!!! So needless to say, my points were BAD!
Last week I was so frustrated when I posted my 70/84 pts that I really was going to quit. I felt like it was too much pressure and I was caving under it. Then Monday morning rolled around, my favorite day of the week when everything is fresh and I can always have a new start. I decided I was NOT going to let this get the better of me and that the power was mine to do better. I am woman....yada yada....
This last week was super hard for me with birthday parties and Halloween up the ying yang BUT I tried super hard and did so much better. It's amazing when we switch our minds to thinking that WE CAN, WE DO! I love it! I feel so much better about myself and motivated to continue.
So today is November 1st.....happy anniversary to me and my love Sam.....14 years of blissful marriage, well maybe not all 14 years were blissful but I do love him much! I was cleaning my floor when I had the thought that "its a new month" and that its going to be Christmas any day. I don't want to get through the holidays either mad that I ate all the bad (ahem, good) stuff or mad that I couldn't. I don't think its good to deprive oneself and Ive learned from Weight Watchers that sometimes we just need to have that chocolate chip cookie or soda or cheesecake or whatever....its ok! We've gotta live. For me, feeling too restricted makes me rebel and then I sit in my closet where no one can see me, and I eat an entire bag of M&M's, like the pound bag....I kid you not!
Lets tackle this holiday eating by #1 being prepared. Know its coming, have a plan. Decide now how you're going to approach holiday eating. #2 Make good choices. It's all about YOUR choice. You don't have to fill your plate with potatoes and rolls, throw in some veggies. How about sharing one dessert instead of eating five? And if you CHOOSE to eat something you feel bad about having.....own it! It's your choice. Maybe you really want it, so go for it. #3 Exercise. Don't stop working out because its the holidays and you're too busy. The list of things to do will always be there. Exercise relieves stress and will help you accomplish your to do list. It will also counteract what you are eating and at the very least make you feel great about yourself. Come Zumba with me Monday, Tuesday and Thursday! #4 Be realistic. Don't plan on having no treats these holidays and please don't plan on loosing 30lbs by Christmas. It's not going to happen unless you're having plastic surgery! Slow and steady wins the race, do the small things....drink your water, eat your protein, lift some weights, lots of cardio and smart eating.
In the words of the all wise BOB THE BUILDER, "can we do it?" YES WE CAN!!!!
So images like this (below) make me nervous! I think I gained 5 lbs just uploading the picture. I do love food and I love to eat it but why is everything so darn rich this time of year? So I'm gearing up because Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner and I am planning a preemptive strike on both so in the new year I don't feel like the good year blimp!
Ive been doing the Wellness Challenge that I posted about here. The first two weeks were cake, excuse the pun....Sam and I were in Cancan, the food was gourmet, the deserts were awful so I didn't partake, I exercised daily and danced for 3-4 hours nightly, no cell, no stress, no problem!! Come home......all heck breaks loose! I suck with this challenge since then. It's been so hard to get my veggies in (because I don't have a chef at mi casa?), I am constantly tempted with cookies, brownies, ice-cream (welcome to being Mormon), and I HAVE to text on my phone when I'm driving because its the only time I'm not doing five things at once. Ugh!!!! So needless to say, my points were BAD!
Last week I was so frustrated when I posted my 70/84 pts that I really was going to quit. I felt like it was too much pressure and I was caving under it. Then Monday morning rolled around, my favorite day of the week when everything is fresh and I can always have a new start. I decided I was NOT going to let this get the better of me and that the power was mine to do better. I am woman....yada yada....
This last week was super hard for me with birthday parties and Halloween up the ying yang BUT I tried super hard and did so much better. It's amazing when we switch our minds to thinking that WE CAN, WE DO! I love it! I feel so much better about myself and motivated to continue.
So today is November 1st.....happy anniversary to me and my love Sam.....14 years of blissful marriage, well maybe not all 14 years were blissful but I do love him much! I was cleaning my floor when I had the thought that "its a new month" and that its going to be Christmas any day. I don't want to get through the holidays either mad that I ate all the bad (ahem, good) stuff or mad that I couldn't. I don't think its good to deprive oneself and Ive learned from Weight Watchers that sometimes we just need to have that chocolate chip cookie or soda or cheesecake or whatever....its ok! We've gotta live. For me, feeling too restricted makes me rebel and then I sit in my closet where no one can see me, and I eat an entire bag of M&M's, like the pound bag....I kid you not!
Lets tackle this holiday eating by #1 being prepared. Know its coming, have a plan. Decide now how you're going to approach holiday eating. #2 Make good choices. It's all about YOUR choice. You don't have to fill your plate with potatoes and rolls, throw in some veggies. How about sharing one dessert instead of eating five? And if you CHOOSE to eat something you feel bad about having.....own it! It's your choice. Maybe you really want it, so go for it. #3 Exercise. Don't stop working out because its the holidays and you're too busy. The list of things to do will always be there. Exercise relieves stress and will help you accomplish your to do list. It will also counteract what you are eating and at the very least make you feel great about yourself. Come Zumba with me Monday, Tuesday and Thursday! #4 Be realistic. Don't plan on having no treats these holidays and please don't plan on loosing 30lbs by Christmas. It's not going to happen unless you're having plastic surgery! Slow and steady wins the race, do the small things....drink your water, eat your protein, lift some weights, lots of cardio and smart eating.
In the words of the all wise BOB THE BUILDER, "can we do it?" YES WE CAN!!!!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Healthy Choices
Wanted to share these yummy treats that I found shopping one day. The rice cakes are seriously good and totally addicting, they taste like chips but healthy. I have a problem with fruit snacks! There I said it, when I buy them for my kids I end up binging on them - not good! I found these BUDDY FRUITS that are pure fruit and low sugar/calories. They taste good and come in a few different fruits. You should try them. I got 'em at Walmart. They're kinda pricey but better than a king size snickers bar, which would be my alternative at the walmart checkout! Just being honest....
I caught a glimpse of one of these drinks at some gas station when we went to California. I bought one the other day here in Vegas at A.M/P.M. to try it. It is really good!!!! Its not carbonated but totally refreshing with a hint of apple. I think it also comes in pomegranate. I love apple stuff but I think this drink is better tasting than the Apple water from Fresh 'N Easy. Nothing in it but sodium.
Zumba Jam at Lifetime Fitness
My cute friend Esther invited me to a Zumba Jam at Lifetime fitness in Summerlin. OMGOSH!!!! We had so much fun. First of all Esther, is seriously so cute, she is fun, spunky, has a heart of gold and loves music and dance, so I knew we would have a good time regardless of how good the event was. Her other instructor/friend at 24hr Fitness also teaches at Lifetime, she was awesome! That's Ginger and I pictured below. So, I hadn't attended a Zumba Jam before and didn't know until that day that the D.J. just plays music and the instructor(s) just go, they don't know what music is coming and have no pre-determined choreography, so they teach off the top of their heads. The D.J. was....get this.....Beto Perez's D.J. Beto is the creator of Zumba. He was really good, the music was great and the energy was incredible with over 200 people there. Needless to say, the endorphins were all over the place by the end of the Jam, haha. Maybe sometime I'll teach at one of these Jam's - its a fun format and different than a regular Zumba class. WAY WAY fun though.....thank you Esther.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Who's the crazy girl???
Noun: Any of a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system and having a number of physiological functions. They are peptides that activate the body's opiate receptors, causing an analgesic effect.Endorphins are my friends.....I love them with a passion! They rear their fun little heads whenever I'm doing something wonderful and exciting - like working out!!!!!!
Sooooo I went back to spin today. I've missed weeks due to summer and kids home from school.
If you ever want to have an endorphin high come to SPIN/CYCLE at LVAC on friday morning 10:15a.m.at Rainbow taught by none other than MS LYLA! Ok she is my friend BUT she is seriously the best cycle instructor ever! Maybe in the world....*smile*
Mix the combination of the music and the energy from the class, combine it with a screaming militant-like instructor urging you to "get your booty up the *imaginary* hill" and you've got a recipie for success. She referenced class as "the spinning sauna" today, which couldn't be a more accurate depiction of our Friday rides! I love it.....
Things that come out of Lyla's mouth by way of motivation:
* my grandma could get up this hill faster than you
* if you wanna look cute, this class is not for you
* TAKE IT OUT! (as in take the bounce, hips and bopping out...umm ya!)
* WEPA (to encourage us.....oh! she does love us)
* that's all you got...lets start it over
* I'm just the DJ
* why are you here? (she says "hee-ya" 'cuz shes from NY)
and my personal favorite:
Which reminds me....I love all my Zumba classes, but if you attended yesterdays W. Sahara class.....YOU WERE ON FIRE!!! Class was awesome, I left completely ready to take on the world - kids, heat, bad drivers and all. I love the energy that people bring to class and that my friends is why I am a screaming lunatic in pretty much any class I attend.
I'm sure at times class members want to shove a towel in my mouth BUT that would be gross and nasty so please dont! Just join in.....when you feel that surge of exhilaration, give in to it.....let all your inhibitions go and yell at the top of your voice....Wooohooooooooo, Owwwwww, Essssoooooooo, Yeah baby, whatever comes to mind. I promise, if I am in the class, you wont be the only crazy one.
Cya soon *wink*
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Wellness Challenge
Wanna be part of something to kick start better health for yourself or be a better you by Christmas?
Some of my girlfriends are doing this wellness challenge and I love the idea, so I'm joining them. It's kinda like a little game but you are mostly competing with yourself.
Below is the link for the blog with rules and information about how it will work. This is a great opportunity to exercise, eat better, be healthier and begin some great new habits in your life. Email me if you have questions @ Zumbachicalv@gmail.com If you look to the right on my blog there is a link to the wellness challenge blog.
Anyone is welcome to join so spread the word and take the challenge!!!
Some of my girlfriends are doing this wellness challenge and I love the idea, so I'm joining them. It's kinda like a little game but you are mostly competing with yourself.
Below is the link for the blog with rules and information about how it will work. This is a great opportunity to exercise, eat better, be healthier and begin some great new habits in your life. Email me if you have questions @ Zumbachicalv@gmail.com If you look to the right on my blog there is a link to the wellness challenge blog.
Anyone is welcome to join so spread the word and take the challenge!!!
Zumba Certifications
SATURDAY October 8th, 2011 8:30-6p.m. ZUMBATOMIC
(to teach kids/teens - Must be certified in Basic 1)
SUNDAY October 9th, 2011 8:30-6p.m. ZUMBA (Basic 1)
Both certifications will be held at LasVegas Athletic Club @
1725 N. Rainbow
Las Vegas, NV 89108
Las Vegas, NV 89108
To register visit HERE
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Las Vegas Salsa/Bachata Festival
Heres info (as promised in class) for the Salsa/Bachata Festival this weekend. Unfortunately I can't be there but it will be a great opportunity to learn some new steps (Saturday) or just go in the evenings to see AMAZING performances and social dance.
It's this Friday 9th, Saturday 10th at the Riviera Hotel and Casino. You can click the links below for more info. Idea on ticket pricing....Friday $25 for performances & dancing. Sat $30. Workshops or full passes are more. Check site below.
Las Vegas Salsa/Bachata Festival Official Website to information & tickets
It's this Friday 9th, Saturday 10th at the Riviera Hotel and Casino. You can click the links below for more info. Idea on ticket pricing....Friday $25 for performances & dancing. Sat $30. Workshops or full passes are more. Check site below.
Las Vegas Salsa/Bachata Festival Official Website to information & tickets
Saturday, September 3, 2011
You should get one!
I've wanted to buy a single serve blender for a long time but I'm so cheap I didn't want to spend a lot of money on one. I almost bought a blender with two single serve cups at Sam's club for $24.
The Magic Bullet is $50 give or take.
Well.....get ready for it.....I found a GE single serve blender at WALMART for $20 (pictured above). It comes with FOUR extra cups and a small blender cup for grinding or making smaller amounts of salsa or guacamole. It also has lids and extra sealing rings.
TWENTY BUCKS....whooohooo!!!!
I used it three times yesterday alone. It works really well. The one tip I would give is to use more liquid or yogurt and less fruit per serving so it can mix well. I'm used to make humongo sizes for my kids so I dumped in way too much fruit the first time. Last night I just mixed frozen fruit and ice and it was super yummy!
Cleanup is really easy, just rinse everything out with water. The cups are dishwasher safe.
The Magic Bullet is $50 give or take.
Well.....get ready for it.....I found a GE single serve blender at WALMART for $20 (pictured above). It comes with FOUR extra cups and a small blender cup for grinding or making smaller amounts of salsa or guacamole. It also has lids and extra sealing rings.
TWENTY BUCKS....whooohooo!!!!
I used it three times yesterday alone. It works really well. The one tip I would give is to use more liquid or yogurt and less fruit per serving so it can mix well. I'm used to make humongo sizes for my kids so I dumped in way too much fruit the first time. Last night I just mixed frozen fruit and ice and it was super yummy!
Cleanup is really easy, just rinse everything out with water. The cups are dishwasher safe.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Little Tip
This summer my good friend Alicia taught me the coolest trick to cutting watermelon
Cut the watermelon into two halves, cutting across the lines
Cut each half into half again (from the bellybutton of the melon)
Take each one of those halves and cut across the lines
make these as thick or thin as you like
Cut into thirds, creating a perfect triangle to eat!
Viola! Simple & Yummy
The best way Ive found to serve watermelon
To Pump or Not to Pump

Before you ask....yes this is a picture of me! I usually don't like to shock people into dumbfoundedness by showing my sculpted abs but I thought in light of the topic of this post I would humor you and show them to you this one time......ummmm NOT!!! I wish......hahaha
I used to be afraid to lift weights. I didn't want to look like this lady
I was sure I would BULK UP and would look like a man, no offense, if I started lifting. I'm sure many people feel the same way, especially women. Men don't usually care if they get "bigger" if it's muscle mass. This is a myth, you wont turn into He-Man/She-Woman if you control how much you lift.
So I started taking a Les Mills Pump class several months ago when a friend told me that ones metabolism will stay elevated longer after a weight lifting workout than a cardio workout -
SIGN ME UP!!!I wasn't, excuse the pun, "pumped" about starting the classes, I knew they would be "slower" than what I like but figured if the benefit outweighed my whining it would be worth it.
AND IT WAS.....I love Pump now. I lift very low weight with many repetitions and have seen a change in my body. The patterns in a pump or sculpt class are easy to follow, especially if you actually listen to the instructor. It's important to have correct and good FORM as you lift the weight, remember to tighten your core (tummy and back), keep your spine in a neutral position and always always always keep your knees behind your toes. This will prevent injury and pain.
Here are some things I have found helpful when lifting.....
1. A good pair of weight lifting gloves. They don't have to be fancy or expensive. Walmart and Target have 'em.
2. Bring water. Even though this anaerobic workout will have you sweating less than Zumba or Kickboxing, you should replenish your body with agua!
3. It's good to eat or drink some Protein after you lift. Remember your metabolism is elevated and will want to burn something. Even better, eat a small protein (chicken, eggs, peanuts, glass of milk) before you lift also.
4. DON'T be afraid to ask the teacher questions. Ok maybe you don't want to ask mid class but afterwards? They are more than happy to help.
If all else fails we could wait until one of those machines from Captain America becomes available to the public.....5 mins in there and he was totally RIPPED....wouldn't that be nice? lol
You can read more about starting a weight lifting program HERE
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Asian-Flavored Quinoa Salad
Lets make this salad this week? Let me know what you thought of it.
1 1/2 cup(s) canned chicken broth, or water | |
3/4 cup(s) uncooked quinoa, * | |
1 Tbsp rice wine vinegar | |
2 Tbsp orange marmalade | |
2 tsp dark sesame oil | |
1 Tbsp ginger root, fresh, minced | |
1 tsp kosher salt | |
1 cup(s) sugar snap peas, trimmed and halved | |
1 cup(s) shredded carrots | |
1 cup(s) shredded red cabbage | |
1 small sweet red pepper(s), thinly sliced | |
3 Tbsp cilantro, fresh, chopped | |
2 Tbsp scallion(s), thinly sliced | |
1 Tbsp sesame seeds, toasted |
- In a small saucepan, combine broth and quinoa; bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
- Meanwhile, to make dressing, in a small bowl, whisk together vinegar, marmalade, oil, ginger and salt; set aside.
- After quinoa has cooked for 10 minutes, toss in snap peas to partially steam them; cover and simmer until most of liquid has been absorbed, about 5 to 6 minutes.
- Remove pan from heat and stir in carrots, cabbage, peppers and dressing; mix to thoroughly combine. Garnish with cilantro, scallions and sesame seeds. Serve warm, room temperature or chilled. Yields about 1 heaping cup per serving.
- *Check the box of quinoa you bought to see if it has been "prerinsed". If not, rinse the quinoa in a colander before cooking to remove its bitter outer coating.
Use prepackaged coleslaw mix or shredded vegetables to speed the preparation of this dish.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Here are some pictures from the Adolfo Indacochea workshop. IT WAS AMAZING.....
The way he taught was incredible. Broadway Hall was full of people, mostly ON1 dancers. He taught us without counting and just using his voice (with a tumbao rhythm) and had us dancing ON2 within 10 minutes. AMAZING.......I LOVED IT!!!!!!
After social dancing and hanging out, he and Carla danced for us. I'm having trouble uploading that video so check back for that. They are awesome dancing and I love how the really "feel" the music and interpret the nuisances within the song.
The way he taught was incredible. Broadway Hall was full of people, mostly ON1 dancers. He taught us without counting and just using his voice (with a tumbao rhythm) and had us dancing ON2 within 10 minutes. AMAZING.......I LOVED IT!!!!!!
After social dancing and hanging out, he and Carla danced for us. I'm having trouble uploading that video so check back for that. They are awesome dancing and I love how the really "feel" the music and interpret the nuisances within the song.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I will dance anywhere
So here is a link to my family blog. Check out my impromtu dance at a YMCA in Florida
Learn to Dance Salsa this week
When I first started dancing salsa I was so confused when people talked about dancing ON1 or ON2....calm down....... its just two different styles of Salsa. There are many!
So out here in Las Vegas for the most part we dance ON1 or LA style. It's when you ladies start with your right foot back on the first count of the music, men forward with your left. ON2 is also known as New York Style or East Coast style. The beat is the same, 1 2 3, 5 6 7 but ladies start 1 on the right in place and then forward on 2 with the left foot. It creates a different pattern and gives a lot more room for styling and "sabor" or flavor. LA style has a lot more large movements as well as tricks whereas NY style is more about the "feeling" behind the dance, or so Ive been told...lol I have not learned to dance ON2 yet.
Either way, here are two great opportunities for you to learn one or both styles. I will be attending the workshop on Friday night with world famous dancers Adolfo Indacochea and Carla Vosconi They will be teaching ON2. Sign up here to register in advance or purchase at the door on friday night.
If you are interested in taking beginning salsa classes (ON1) here in Las Vegas, Groupon is running a special for $30 for 6 classes at Broadway Hall Click the Groupon link to purchase! This deal ends Thursday night 8/25/2011
So out here in Las Vegas for the most part we dance ON1 or LA style. It's when you ladies start with your right foot back on the first count of the music, men forward with your left. ON2 is also known as New York Style or East Coast style. The beat is the same, 1 2 3, 5 6 7 but ladies start 1 on the right in place and then forward on 2 with the left foot. It creates a different pattern and gives a lot more room for styling and "sabor" or flavor. LA style has a lot more large movements as well as tricks whereas NY style is more about the "feeling" behind the dance, or so Ive been told...lol I have not learned to dance ON2 yet.
Either way, here are two great opportunities for you to learn one or both styles. I will be attending the workshop on Friday night with world famous dancers Adolfo Indacochea and Carla Vosconi They will be teaching ON2. Sign up here to register in advance or purchase at the door on friday night.
If you are interested in taking beginning salsa classes (ON1) here in Las Vegas, Groupon is running a special for $30 for 6 classes at Broadway Hall Click the Groupon link to purchase! This deal ends Thursday night 8/25/2011
The obsession begins....
After having my fourth baby, I joined the gym to loose my baby weight. Kami was just over a year old when I started. For two years straight I worked out religiously.....almost two hours everyday except Sunday. I love the elliptical, stationary bike, the ski type machine and I would also walk the track.
One day I happened on a SALSA class. My college roommates and I used to joke about taking our hubbys dancing salsa but never got around to it, or I should say never enticed them enough, so when I saw the class at the gym, I thought "why not?"
Well it was love at first listen!!! The music just grabbed me and took me in. A few weeks later the class was cancelled and a Zumba class took its place. The teacher was OLGA who has become a good friend of mine. OMGOSH.....did I love it. High energy, great music, people uninhibited by the movements and lots and lots of sweating going on - whooohoooo! The addiction began.......
Of all the dance formats offered in the class, Salsa was my favorite. I didn't know what I was doing, I just liked it. I decided I would look for a salsa class and happened to find one at the W. Sahara location of my gym. I started dancing with Fabiola, a beautiful Brazilian who I attribute with teaching me the foundation of salsa dance. Ive had classes with the Rico brothers at Broadway Hall and dance weekly with my good friend & partner Daniel, who has taught me so much.
I always loved music and dancing, did a little Irish dancing as a kid in Ireland and drill team in the little town of Alamo, NV when we immigrated but I never knew I could have so much fun working out and dancing until these last couple of years so I say dance on my friends, lets sweat it off together!
One day I happened on a SALSA class. My college roommates and I used to joke about taking our hubbys dancing salsa but never got around to it, or I should say never enticed them enough, so when I saw the class at the gym, I thought "why not?"
Well it was love at first listen!!! The music just grabbed me and took me in. A few weeks later the class was cancelled and a Zumba class took its place. The teacher was OLGA who has become a good friend of mine. OMGOSH.....did I love it. High energy, great music, people uninhibited by the movements and lots and lots of sweating going on - whooohoooo! The addiction began.......
Of all the dance formats offered in the class, Salsa was my favorite. I didn't know what I was doing, I just liked it. I decided I would look for a salsa class and happened to find one at the W. Sahara location of my gym. I started dancing with Fabiola, a beautiful Brazilian who I attribute with teaching me the foundation of salsa dance. Ive had classes with the Rico brothers at Broadway Hall and dance weekly with my good friend & partner Daniel, who has taught me so much.
I always loved music and dancing, did a little Irish dancing as a kid in Ireland and drill team in the little town of Alamo, NV when we immigrated but I never knew I could have so much fun working out and dancing until these last couple of years so I say dance on my friends, lets sweat it off together!
I've been toying with the idea of starting a new blog for a few months now. I began my family blog two years ago on vacation in Florida, during an obnoxious hurricane. I've never looked back......i love the idea of blogging and send my family blog to print each year. Now seems like the perfect time to begin this new venture, as I'm again on vacation in Florida (no hurricane thank goodness) and have some time on my hands, something that is hard to come by back home.
The idea behind this blog is to share the things that I learn and love within the area of health, fitness, dancing, food & fun. I have to preface that I am by no means an expert in any of these areas, except maybe FUN - I love to have a good time and love the feeling when Im having it, hence the name of the blog!
Over the years I've had some experiences that have helped me learn to live a healthier life which in turn has done wonders for my mental state - no joke! But go ahead and laugh.....if you know me you know Im a little bit nutty!
I hope to share those things that have helped me as well as new things I come across. Check back often for random (hopefully useful) information.....oh and share your ideas and tips so we all learn together.
The idea behind this blog is to share the things that I learn and love within the area of health, fitness, dancing, food & fun. I have to preface that I am by no means an expert in any of these areas, except maybe FUN - I love to have a good time and love the feeling when Im having it, hence the name of the blog!
Over the years I've had some experiences that have helped me learn to live a healthier life which in turn has done wonders for my mental state - no joke! But go ahead and laugh.....if you know me you know Im a little bit nutty!
I hope to share those things that have helped me as well as new things I come across. Check back often for random (hopefully useful) information.....oh and share your ideas and tips so we all learn together.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Gym Etiquette
I read an article in ZLife, a Zumba fitness magazine instructors receive, and thought it was worth sharing. I added a couple of rules myself.
I love the gym, love the feeling when I walk through the doors, love the endorphins that fly when I start moving and love the people I get to chat with and meet.....awww cute, I know!
Here are some tips that could enhance your gym experience but will more than likely help enhance someone else's gym experience.
1. Keep your distance. Respect a person's space. Now I know this is sorta funny when you think back to your last Zumba class BUT remember to give people room to move. Keep water bottles, towels etc...out of the way so others don't trip over them. Be aware when your arms are flailing around not to hit your neighbor in the head!
2. Silence is golden.....well there again, in Zumba I want you to let your inner scream out BUT please turn off or at least silence your cell phones in class. If you must use it, step outside and then come back in when you're done. If people read rule #1 you will still have your spot when you return.....
3. Clean up after yourself. This one is especially for classes that use equipment. Pump (put your weights back where they belong) and Spin (wipe down your bike AND the floor - if you've sweat that much).
4. Let the instructor know if you have to leave early. I always think it's nice when members let me know that they have to leave class early. It's not necessary but it lets me know that they don't hate my music or think I suck, they just have a dentist appointment or kids to pick up from somewhere. Breathe......which leads me to #5
5. No whining. I like constructive criticism and will take it under advise but if you don't care for a particular song or exercise (in any class) discuss it in private with the instructor or keep it to yourself. It's impossible for one instructor to please 50 people. Compliments are much more fun :)
6. Smell good??? I know, I know......were all going to smell not so good by the end of class but we should at least try to smell decent to start with. I have a weird little habit of showering before class. It doesn't matter if class is at 1:45 in the afternoon (shout out to my Monday peeps). I have to shower before class.....I can't stand sweat on top of my filthy self. Another thing I have noticed, from experience, is after a while my workout clothes getting really funky *eeewww*....I don't mean after a class, I mean after a couple of months. Someone told me that you should NOT use fabric softener with any of that dri-release, sweat whicking material, that it "holds" a weird smell in the garment.
Not cute!
I love the gym, love the feeling when I walk through the doors, love the endorphins that fly when I start moving and love the people I get to chat with and meet.....awww cute, I know!
Here are some tips that could enhance your gym experience but will more than likely help enhance someone else's gym experience.
1. Keep your distance. Respect a person's space. Now I know this is sorta funny when you think back to your last Zumba class BUT remember to give people room to move. Keep water bottles, towels etc...out of the way so others don't trip over them. Be aware when your arms are flailing around not to hit your neighbor in the head!
2. Silence is golden.....well there again, in Zumba I want you to let your inner scream out BUT please turn off or at least silence your cell phones in class. If you must use it, step outside and then come back in when you're done. If people read rule #1 you will still have your spot when you return.....
3. Clean up after yourself. This one is especially for classes that use equipment. Pump (put your weights back where they belong) and Spin (wipe down your bike AND the floor - if you've sweat that much).
4. Let the instructor know if you have to leave early. I always think it's nice when members let me know that they have to leave class early. It's not necessary but it lets me know that they don't hate my music or think I suck, they just have a dentist appointment or kids to pick up from somewhere. Breathe......which leads me to #5
5. No whining. I like constructive criticism and will take it under advise but if you don't care for a particular song or exercise (in any class) discuss it in private with the instructor or keep it to yourself. It's impossible for one instructor to please 50 people. Compliments are much more fun :)
6. Smell good??? I know, I know......were all going to smell not so good by the end of class but we should at least try to smell decent to start with. I have a weird little habit of showering before class. It doesn't matter if class is at 1:45 in the afternoon (shout out to my Monday peeps). I have to shower before class.....I can't stand sweat on top of my filthy self. Another thing I have noticed, from experience, is after a while my workout clothes getting really funky *eeewww*....I don't mean after a class, I mean after a couple of months. Someone told me that you should NOT use fabric softener with any of that dri-release, sweat whicking material, that it "holds" a weird smell in the garment.
Not cute!
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