I'm becoming passionate about eating well. Today I made an amazing salad.
Spinach*Chicken*Feta Cheese (basil & tomatoe)*Purple Onion*Cranberries & Almonds*Strawberries*Light vinaigrette dressing. It was filling and only about 400 calories for the entire thing.
The Ingredients |
TA DA! |
The bottom of the salad is always the best part. Where all the yumminess hangs out
So then as if my salad wasn't enough brilliance for one day, I got totally domesticated and made homemade green chili enchiladas for the fam bam tonight. The two on the end are mine (wheat tortillas). Good balance of protein & carbs. Workout hard today so must. eat. good!
I'm lovin where this week has taken me. I'm feeling healthy, strong & lost 7lbs. Going into the weekend ready to take the challenge. Weekends are usually where I fall hard off the wagon so I'm holding tight to those reins and staying in control....at least that's the plan!
Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas |
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